"The Rubber Poem"
KissinG iS a HaBiT
FuCkInG iS a GaMe
GuYs gEt pLeAsUrE
GirLs gEt pAiN..
The GuY SaYs:"I LuV YoU"
Y0u BliVe its True!
But when Ur TummY StArTs t0 SwElL,
He"LL jUz SaY:
'Wh0 thE HeLL r U?'
5 hours of pleasure,
9 months In pAIN,
2 dAyS iN h0sPiTaL,
& a BabY
WiTh0uT a nAmE...
ThE BabY iS a bAsTaRd
ThE MothEr is a h0rE
ThiS WOuLdn'T
HappeN iF th3 RuBBeR
WaS PuT oN b0w!
pLaY SaFe! SpreaD ThiS MSG NoT th3 Sp3rm...
i found this on forum..lolx.
share out with u all..
2009年8月19日 星期三
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3 评论:
you are safe lor..
ekeke...not sure =x
great poem...